Here’s your Wednesday Weekly Roundup of Thyroid News from Thyroid Mom for November 5, 2014. These are articles, abstracts or blog posts that either appeared in the news this week or things that I found this week that I wanted to share with you relating to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in both adults and children. Happy Reading!
General Thyroid Related Articles (Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Hyperthyroidism, Graves’ Disease, Thyroid Cancer)
Blog Post on Day 1 of ATA (interesting take on things, but also includes an update on the origins of Congenital Hypothyroidism)
Sneaky Signs Your Thyroid is Slacking Off
Yoga Thyroid Series from Thyroid Nation
Eating Gluten Free or Not Depends on Your Health Circumstances
Kreuziger’s Lawyer Claims Rider Suffers from Hypothyroidism
USPSTF Finds Insufficient Evidence for Thyroid Screening
PD-1 Immunotherapies Induce Painless Thyroiditis in Patients with Metastatic Malignancies
Children and Thyroid Disorders (Congenital Hypothyroidism)
Make Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism Mandatory in India
Congenital Hypothyroidism Can be Prevented with Early Detection
Neonatal Screening and a New Cause of Congenital Central Hypothyroidism
The Severity of Congenital Hypothyroidism of Central Origin Should Not be Underestimated
Complied by Blythe Clifford aka Thyroid Mom