I hear that it's Motivation Monday in the social media world. Here's what I want to say to you today. I spend an hour or so every day answering emails and Facebook messages from fellow thyroid disorder sufferers. There is a common theme and it's this: "I'm taking thyroid medication and I still have _____ symptoms." Are there some things that you may always deal with when you have a thyroid disorder? Yes, of course! However, if you are doing everything else right (taking your thyroid medication regularly, eating well, exercising, taking your vitamins and minerals, etc.) AND YOU STILL HAVE SYMPTOMS (like depression, hair loss, weight gain, etc.), then something isn't working! It's not normal to feel like crap! Let me say that one … [Read more...]
Wednesday Weekly Roundup-Thyroid News-10.14.15
Here’s your Wednesday Weekly Roundup of Thyroid News from Thyroid Mom for October 14, 2015. These are articles, abstracts or blog posts that either appeared in the news this week or things that I found this week that I wanted to share with you relating to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in both adults and children. Happy Reading! Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Graves' Disease, etc. Pharmacist: Hidden toxin in food can cause hypothyroidism The Chemicals That Can Affect Your Metabolism Women are up to 8 times more likely than men to have thyroid problems Maine’s seaweed and your thyroid health HMC opens special unit for treatment of thyroid disorders (Qatar) Symptoms which can tell you that you have thyroid Doctor … [Read more...]
Wednesday Weekly Roundup-Thyroid News-9.30.15
Here’s your Wednesday Weekly Roundup of Thyroid News from Thyroid Mom for September 30, 2015. These are articles, abstracts or blog posts that either appeared in the news this week or things that I found this week that I wanted to share with you relating to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in both adults and children. Happy Reading! Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Graves' Disease, etc. Pay attention to the lump in your throat ARE YOU TIRED? STRUGGLING WITH WEIGHT? PERHAPS IT’S YOUR THYROID Complexities of hypothyroidism: Symptoms, what to do Thyroid Success Stories: Patients Share Their Experiences Iodine Excess Linked to Thyroid Disease in Lactating Women Endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure increases risk for … [Read more...]
Wednesday Weekly Roundup-Thyroid News-7.15.15
Here’s your Wednesday Weekly Roundup of Thyroid News from Thyroid Mom for July 15, 2015. SPECIAL SUMMER EDITION!! Articles for you on beating the heat, sunscreens, water safety and more! 15 Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated Healthy and Hydrating Summer Recipes Study Finds Most Kids and Teens Don't Drink Enough Water EWG's 2015 Guide to Sunscreens Best Sunscreen Buying Guide - Consumer Reports Water Safety: Tips for Parents of Young Children Drowning Prevention Heat Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms & Complications (hint: thyroid problems can cause heat intolerance) Heat Exhaustion Symptoms in Children, Dogs and Adults 101 Summer Activities to do with Kids 10 Ways Families Can Use Technology to Connect to … [Read more...]
Too Young To Be So Sick: A Young Woman’s Battle With Graves’ Disease
As many of you know, my husband suffered through Graves' Disease. It was one of the worst things he has ever been through and it was devastating to watch. One of the more rewarding aspects of having opened up about our family's struggles with thyroid disorders is meeting other people who have been through the same things. Connecting with them and sharing with them has been so helpful to me, and I hope that it's helpful to you as well. I am honored to introduce you to Camilla Bevington: an incredible woman who was faced with the harshness of Graves' Disease at a young age. Her story will undoubtedly give you hope and courage as you face your own struggles or as you care for your children who are battling thyroid disorders. ~Blythe aka … [Read more...]
Wednesday Weekly Roundup-Thyroid News-2.11.15
Here’s your Wednesday Weekly Roundup of Thyroid News from Thyroid Mom for February 11, 2015. These are articles, abstracts or blog posts that either appeared in the news this week or things that I found this week that I wanted to share with you relating to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in both adults and children. Happy Reading! General Thyroid Related Articles (Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Hyperthyroidism, Graves’ Disease, Thyroid Cancer) What's Wrong with Me? Sleepy, Stressed, or Sick? Hypothyroidism Risk Rises with Declining Kidney Function Supplement for Hypothyroidism Developed in Iceland Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism: What Are Their Differences? Do You Need to Tame Your Thyroid? When the Thyroid Gland is … [Read more...]
How Do You Stay Hydrated in the Winter?
Did you know that you can become dehydrated in the winter just as easily as you can in the summer? It's true and the symptoms of dehydration are the same whether it's winter or summer. Even if you aren't sweating, you lose water vapor through your breath. I know that my kids and I have been feeling particularly parched lately and have dry, itchy skin. Hydration is important to adults and children with hypothyroidism. Many people with hypothyroidism complain of having dry skin, nails and hair, being constipated, and experience weight gain. Staying well hydrated can help with all of those things! While water is the best way to re-hydrate yourself, sometimes I want something different. Eating lots of fresh fruits (like watermelon) and … [Read more...]
Fill ‘er up! Fellow Thyroid Warrior, Is Your Tank Empty?
Today, I coasted into the gas station to fill up my car. No kidding, I actually coasted in. My tank was that empty. I could hear my Dad's voice reminding me that I shouldn't ever let my tank get lower than a quarter of a tank. He'll cringe when he reads this, but I often find myself coasting into gas stations on fumes. As I sat there waiting for the ENTIRE gas tank to fill up, I wondered in what other areas did I find myself running on empty? In what other ways am I totally depleted and when was the last time I took time to fill myself up? If you search top tips for thyroid health, among them you will often find talk of supplements, avoid goiterogenic foods, avoiding soy and gluten. You will hopefully also find things that discuss … [Read more...]
Battling Those Winter Blues
Yes, that's me, Grinchified. Where I live, the winters aren’t awful, but usually still cold and often rainy. It’s just not cold enough to snow, so no fun sledding or building snowmen. The holidays are filled with fun times with friends and family, and then I blink and it’s back to the regular days. I often find myself feeling like the Grinch around this time of year. If you struggle with the same thing, here are some tips on brightening your spirits this winter: 1) Get some sunshine each morning. If you wake up to a sunny morning, try to get in a walk before breakfast or sit in a sunny spot in your house to eat breakfast. If those aren’t good options for you, consider purchasing a light box (available from online retailers like … [Read more...]